Poster Advertising Campaign
Client Octaga Green Power And Sugar Co Ltd
Brand Master’s Imperial Whisky
Agency Famous Innovations
Brief The objective was to create awareness for a newbie in the cluttered budget whisky category: Master’s Imperial. Showing alcohol in advertising is not allowed in India, so we found an innovative solution. We advertised a book which we created specially for the brand. We targeted 25+ year olds, who often use cheap whiskey as ‘third drink’ alcohol after more expensive liquor is used up.
Scale & Location
These posters were displayed at outdoor locations across major cities in India, as well as in select bookstores and wine shops. Since alcohol advertising is prohibited in India, we created the Little Book of Third Drink Philosophy, which was sold in bookstores and liquor stores. Our poster campaign advertised this book, thus generating attention for Master’s Imperial without breaking any rules!
Three drinks is the tipping point at which people get into drunk philosophical discussions, or decide they have something profound to say. We coined the term ‘third drink philosophers’ to associate the whiskey with third drinks and convey its appeal. In an innovative way, we got people talking about Master’s Imperial.

Whisky Poster For Print 17-02-14 New
