Graphic Design: Poster Design
Client Perfetti Van Melle
Brand Mentos Sour Marbels
Agency Ogilvy & Mather Pvt. Ltd.
Brief Perfetti Van Melle wanted to advertise its unique brand Mentos Sour Marbels, which is known among its consumers for its extreme sour taste. The previous campaigns had already talked about the taste of these marbels, and thus we were asked to push the envelop a little further and communicate the same USP like never before.
Using the idea of exorcism, we portrayed that various exorcists are using Mentos Sour Marbels to scare the evil spirits. In an extensive exercise, we created 3 ads with intricate illustrations and developed the final creatives with mixed media, using clay relief work and authentic tribal art to give them a unique character. Finally, they were digitally finished to highlight the finer details.

Sour Marbels - Exorcism