Activation Campaign
Client Ola
Brand Ola Boat
Agency Happy Creative
Brief In November 2015, Tamil Nadu was hit by a devastating cyclone. Thousands of people were stranded in Chennai amidst heavy floods, unable to get home safely and without access to food or water.
During the floods, none of the city’s cab operators were able to respond to desperate calls. The Ola Boat initiative was formed to bring the people of Chennai to safety during this difficult time.
The Ola Boat initiative was created in a situation where cabs were unable to respond to people stranded in heavy floods. Within 24 hours of the flood, the boats were able to rescue people in the worst affected parts of Chennai. During the floods, Ola rose to the occasion by moving past purely commercial purposes to help the people of Chennai in their time of need.
The Ola Boat initiative brought 750 stranded families to safety and provided them with food and drinking water.
It was covered by Wall Street Journal, BBC and Huffington Post among many others including Times of India, The Hindu, NDTV and Bloomberg.
#OlaBoat trended on twitter within hours of its launch. It led to 79 million social media impressions and had an Earned Media Value of INR 22 million.