Ad/ Promotional Film Campaign
Client Star Network
Brand Channel V
Entrant BBH India
Solution Coming from the product truth of Channel V showcasing music which is only good looking, we tapped in to the idea of people loving everything which looks good and coined the line “The Shallowest Place on TV”. Keeping in mind our TG, we made being shallow a cool thing.The cultural references used were central to the channel and its target audience.
Insight The insight was that people who only love good looking things are shallow. Since Channel V was only planning on showing good looking music videos, they were embracing their shallow side.The campaign started on September 2016 and went on for four months.The Rihanna video got 974,549 views on YT and 802,000 views on FB.The Matargashti video got 2,192,000 views on YT and 3,900,000 views on FB.